Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Technology Donations

Dear Parents,

Our goal is to increase student use of technology in the educational setting.  There are a number of ways to do this.  We are very fortunate to have two computer labs that can be checked out.  However, if a student does not have technology class and we organized a revolving schedule where every class would have a turn in the labs, students would still average around 1 hour using technology as part of the instruction each week.  To maximize time with technology, students would need to have educational technology tools available to them more often.  That is a very costly initiative that we are currently not in a position to undertake. 

However, there are some other options.  We are encouraging all staff and parents (and students) that are upgrading their technology (laptops, tablets, iPad, iPhones or iPod Touches) to consider donating their old devices to Sparta Middle School.  All that we need to use for educational purposes to make the device effective would be Wi-Fi antennas in the devices.  If you are considering this, we ask that you clear the data and software from the device. 

I appreciate your consideration. 

NGAP Assessment


At my Principal’s Coffee there was a request by some of the parents to take a sample test of what the new state testing will look like in 2014-15.  Kent ISD developed a prototype assessment from test items released by the organization developing the assessment.  We asked our teachers to take this test earlier this year.  The rationale for attempting the assessment is to recognize the level of complexity the new standards will be requiring of our students.  The middle school test is based on the 7th grade Common Core State Standards.  There are options for fourth and eleventh grade as well.

We are unsure how the system will handle a lot of parents accessing this at the same time.  If you experience difficulty, try using it at another point in the day.  One thing that we found is that it is not as successful when using Internet Explorer.  I recommend Mozilla Firefox, a free download, or Safari on Apple devices. Here is the website:

Once you access the site, here is the username and password to access the test:

Username: spartaparent
Password: ngap

If you take the assessment, I would love your feedback and thoughts.  Thank you for your time and consideration.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Ski and Snowboard Club

We will soon start our SMS Ski and Snowboard Club.  Mrs. Julie Switzer sponsors this opportunity and has provided you with information under "Athletics/Clubs" on the left.  If you have any questions or your child has shown an interest in this, please refer to that parent letter for information and contact email for Mrs. Switzer.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Principal's Coffee

We will be hosting a Principal's Coffee with Mr. Stoner, SMS Principal, on Thursday, December 6.  The meeting will begin at 8:00 a.m.  The meeting agenda will be posted a day or two ahead of time on the blog and will be emailed to all parents with active and accurate emails in PowerSchool. You are strongly encouraged to attend the meeting.  Parental participation in school is a key indicator of student success.  We would appreciate seeing you.

Thank you.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

November Newsletter

We will not be sending home a paper copy of the newsletter this month and going forward.  If you would like a newsletter in a paper version, please notify your child's Advisory teacher or the middle school's office.

Thank you.

Monday, October 1, 2012

MEAP Schedule

We will begin our MEAP testing next week.  You will find our schedule on the left side of this page.  Please try to have your child(ren) at school at the start of the day and avoid any appointments for the start of the school day.  Make ups for students interfere with their regularly scheduled classes. Thank you for your consideration.

Monthly Newsletter

The monthly newsletter should be coming home with your students today.  This month we are sending home paper copies.  Going forward we will not be doing so.  All other newsletters and communications will be via email and this blog.  If you wish to receive a paper copy, please let the office know.  There is a section in the newsletter that can also be completed and returned to the office.

Thank you.

7th Grade ArtPrize Trip

Our 7th graders will be heading to downtown Grand Rapids on Thursday, October 4, to experience ArtPrize.  We will depart around 8:30 and we will arrive back to school by 2:00.  Students will eat lunch at Rosa Park Circle.  Attached is the letter that went home to parents today: ArtPrize Parent Letter

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Welcome Back!!

It is a new school year with new opportunities.  We are facing the obvious challenge of bringing the best out of our students while being introduced to new challenges brought on by the implementation of a new master schedule. 

I realize that there have been many questions and concerns about how the changes are affecting things like Unity Games and 6th Grade Camp.  We are still planning to have these opportunities for our kids.  Due to issues with getting things scheduled and no availability at the times that we need availability, we will be moving both of these into the Spring of 2013.  Stay tuned for further information.

The students really seem to have adjusted seamlessly into the new scheduling format.  We have had students arriving on time and no issues with behavior.  We are very pleased with and proud of our students for their citizenship and diligence in these areas.  Way to go Spartans!

A newsletter will be coming out this October.  Once again we will start with a paper copy but transition into a digital version the rest of the school year.  Parents will be given the opportunity to request a paper version if a digital copy is not desired.  In order to best serve our families with communication, please be sure to keep your email address updated in PowerSchool.  We pull our email lists from this source and accuracy is obviously key.

Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to serve your children and your family.  We are looking forward to an excellent school year.

Al the best,

Joel Stoner

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

8th grade Video

Thank you 8th grade!

If you are having trouble viewing the video Click Here for a youtube version.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Change in Michigan Adventure 8th Grade Trip

Dear 8th Grade Parents,

We have held an annual trip to Michigan Adventure for our 8th grade students.  We are, of course, doing so again this year.  Our trip has been planned for June 1, 2012, for months.  Unfortunately, Mother Nature did not get the information in time and we are facing a nasty weather day this Friday. Some students have asked about rain and storm delays at the park.  Here is what is posted on their website,,:
Michigan's Adventure does not close due to poor weather. On rainy days, some rides may close for safety reasons, and will be re-opened as soon as safely possible. If lightning is overhead, all rides will close until the lightning passes. The park remains open, and the rides will re-open as soon as the lightning has passed and it is safe to do so.
The waterpark does not open on days when the air temperature does not reach 65 degrees within 2 hours of opening. Temperature does not affect the operation of the amusement park.
Our local weather forecasters are calling for a range of temperatures for a high this Friday from 59-62 degrees. Therefore, we are moving the trip to Monday, June 4, where the forecasts are calling for 78 degree weather.  We will depart at the same time and return to Sparta at the same time as planned.  The only change is next Monday versus this Friday.  We communicated this change the students today.  We apologize if this creates any complications for you or your children. 
If you have any questions or need my assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you,

Joel Stoner

Friday, May 11, 2012

Information for 8th Grade Parents

Dear 8th Grade Parents,
The final middle school year for your student is winding down.  Below are some important dates relative to their end of the year.  Historically, the last day most students attend is the day of Recognition.  I want to be clear that the school year does not end until the Thursday of that week, June 7.  If you choose to allow your student to stay home those last days, please call to excuse them or send in a note excusing them.  You will receive a letter later that communicates the schedule for June 5.  On this letter is a permission slip that gives us the permission to dismiss your child at a designated time following Recognition practice.  This is usually around 11:30. This permission slip is only for the 5th of June in the afternoon. 
Students that qualify are encouraged to join us for our 3 Mile Project field trip.  This will be for all students that will be earning all As and Bs for third trimester.  We hope all that qualify choose to join us.

If you have any questions or needs, please contact the Middle School office or me directly.
Thank You,
Joel Stoner

Important Dates
May 28 (or before)                       Baby Pictures Due!
June 1                                                Michigan Adventure
June 5                                                Recognition Practice
June 5                                                Recognition, 6:45 p.m. arrival
June 6                                                3 Mile Project
June 7                                    Last day of school

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

8th Grade Recognition Slideshow

Attention 8th grade parents and students – Please send or email in a “baby/toddler” picture and a “recent” picture that we can use in the 8th grade recognition slideshow.  They may also email any school related pics for this year to Wendi Berwald:

Thank You!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

May-June Newsletter

The May-June newsletter is available to the left.  In addition, please be sure to review the section regarding School Messenger to help clarify some attendance call concerns.

Have a great day.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Survey Reminder

I want to encourage you, if you have not done so, to complete our parent survey.  There have been a few inquiries about wanting to comment on a few of the questions.  What I plan to do is use the data that is provided to ask questions related to the areas of concern and seek specifics, i.e., comments, from parents at that time.  Your input at this time will further our reflection and aid in seeking the types of specifics that can grow our abilities to serve your family better. I realize your time is precious and thank you for your time and consideration.  Here is the link:

Additional Information:

1.       Thank you for the generosity of our families. Our Student Government food drive for Mamrelund Food Bank was very successful.  Your generosity brought over 3,000 food items for needy families in our community.  Thank you.
2.       Progress Reports are coming home today.  Please look for the white folders that they will be sent home in today.
3.       Please consider attending the Family Fun Festival from 11:00-3:00 at Appleview elementary tomorrow.  Mr. Johnson, Middle School Assistant Principal, John Bull, High School Assistant Principal, and Nick Lewis, School Board Trustee, will be a few of the “targets” taking part in the dunk tank. 

Thank you and make it a great day.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Parent Survey

We are always looking to improve on the product that we provide the families of Sparta Middle School.  In order for our improvements to match the needs and thoughts of our families, we need your input.  Please consider thoroughly completing the survey below.  We use this information to adapt how we service our students.  Your thoughts and ideas are critical to doing that successfully.  Thank you for your consideration.

Parent Survey

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sparty Cup and Celebrate Success

On Wednesday, March 28, we will have a couple of events take place that are out of the norm.  In the morning, 8:30-12:30, all students on the Honor Roll for second trimester will travel to 3 Mile Project to have some fun.  These students are asked to bring a sack lunch as food will not be served there. 

In the afternoon, 12:50-2:20, we will hold our annual Sparty Cup finale.  This is an afternoon of activities that pit grade level against grade level.  The intent is to celebrate Spartan and grade level spirit.  We have held a week of spirit through grade level participation in dress up days.  Each grade level earns points based on the number of students who participate. The winning grade level earns bragging rights and can celebrate with the Sparty Cup traveling through the advisories.

Parents are invited to come to Sparty Cup and cheer on the students...oh, and laugh at the staff that try to compete with superior middle school talent.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Fall Sports Physical

Spectrum Family Medicine, on the corner of 12 Mile and M37, is offering $15 sports physicals on Wednesday, May 30, 2012, beginning at 5:30 pm.  You may pick up physical forms in the High School and Middle School offices.  They ask that the form be filled out with a parent signature before students get in line.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Celebrate Success Update (note the time and destination change)

All students that are on the honor roll for second trimester will be invited to a field trip to 3 Mile Project.  We will be leaving our building by bus on March 28 at 8:00 am.  We will return around 12:00.  Students will be asked to bring a brown bag lunch or they can purchase pizza at the complex.  That afternoon the students will also be participating in our annual Spring grade level competition, Sparty Cup.  This day should be a fun filled celebration.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Heat is Back On!!

I want to inform you that DTE has come out to the building and remedied the problem.  We now have both of our boilers running at full power.  The building should be up to normal temperatures in an hour or so.

Dylan Bromley- Way Cool!!

Dylan is a seventh grader in our school.  We have always thought he was a special young man.  It appears that Maranda has  found out what we already knew.  Dylan is a speed skater in the Special Olympics.  Maranda, from WOTV Channel 4,  did a little spotlight of him recently.  Below is the attachment. It is worth the time and look.

Hitting the Ice with Dylan

Heat down at the middle school

We were welcomed this morning by cool temperatures in the middle school this morning.  We have identified the cause as poor natural gas pressure into the building.  This has caused the boiler to not operate at an acceptable level.  We have allowed the students to wear the clothing they have to make themselves comfortable.  We will continue to monitor the situation and make you aware of any updates and decisions.  As we are right now we are continuing school.  If you feel it is necessary, you are welcome to pick up your child and excuse them for the day.
I appreciate your support and understanding.

Friday, February 17, 2012

MEAP Results

The 2011 Fall MEAP results recently became publicly available.  As you may have read, there was a change in how the MEAP scores are evaluated for proficiency levels.  Below is a link to an article from Mr. Kasmer, our Assistant Superintendent.

MEAP Family Letter

Your child's MEAP results will come home with their report cards in March.

Thank you.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Celebrate Success

We will be organizing an afternoon to celebrate student success at SMS.  All students who complete the second trimester with A's and B's will be invited to a celebration in the afternoon.  There will be activities available for them to participate in with their peers.  We want to recognize their efforts and celebrate the commitment they are making to their education.  We are currently planning the events and may reach out to families to request the assistance of those available to help chaperone the activities.  We will send out further information regarding the event later.

For those students that are not able to participate, we are planning to provide assistance with the core math and language arts skills.  We will also look to incorporate study skills into the time to assist these students with skills that can lead to future success.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Student Conference Reminder

We will be hosting Student-Led conferences on Thursday, February 2, from 4:00-6:30 (Please note the change in time from previous conferences) and Tuesday, February 7, from 4:00-6:30. We highly value your participation and look forward to seeing you at the middle school. 

Also, attached is a link to a survey we are asking parents to respond to regarding student conferences.  If you have time, please consider completing this survey and providing us with your insight.

Parent Conference Survey

Thank you.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Our Local Celebrity

Marissa Noorman is a seventh grader in our building.  She moonlights as a model for a local agency.  This past spring she participated in a photo shoot that resulted in her being placed on the cover of a book series, From Sadie’s Sketchbook.  The first book in the series, Shades of Truth, was given to us by the Noorman family.  It will soon be in circulation in our library.  This is a very cool experience for Marissa and her family.  We are obviously very proud of her.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Winter Conferences Reminder

We will be holding our conferences on Thursday, February 2, and Tuesday, February 7, from 4:00-6:30.  Please note the time change from conferences in the fall.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Magazine Sale Starts Tomorrow!!!

Our magazine sale will launch tomorrow.  Please anticipate your student(s) bringing home a packet consisting of order catalog, postcards and information regarding the sale.  For the first time in years, we are participating in pre-pay for catalog orders.  This means that the individuals who order must send the money in with the order.  Because of this, we are encouraging postcard orders and Internet orders.  This encourages participation but also allows the salesperson to avoid physical contact with money.  We are also following a trend in schools across the country and in our region to offer families the option to participate in the sale by simply sending in a $15 donation.  The fifteen dollar donation was determined because that is the average amount earned by the school for two paid magazine orders.  This allows families to feel the reward of contributing without having to call upon family and friends for support.  I encourage you to consider all options. There are great prizes and potentially awesome prizes for all that participate.  Your consideration and participation is highly valued.

Update for the Week of January 9

I want to inform you of a survey that parents and community members are asked to complete.  On the district website,, you will find a link embedded into the red banner at the top of the page.  This will provide you with a survey that the Sparta Area Schools Board of Education will use to help shape our future planning for Sparta Area Schools.  Your input is desired and valued.  I strongly encourage you to take the time to provide the district with your thoughts.

Also, under the 2011-12 School Year section, you will find information about the SMS Ski Club.  This is sponsored by Mrs. Switzer, an 8th grade teacher.  If you have specific questions regarding the Ski Club, she can be reached at

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

I hope that you and your family had an enjoyable holiday season.  I wish you all the best in 2012!

While the students were home with their families, the middle school had a couple of improvements done.  The restrooms in our building are lacking in aesthetic appeal.  More important than that, we are experiencing a significant amount of water waste and paper waste due to antiquated faucets and the use of paper towel dispensers.  We are in the process of addressing these issues.  We started this over break.  The restrooms near classrooms 41 and 42, the seventh and eighth grade restrooms, were remodeled over break.  In addition to replacing old and faltering floor tiling, we added a fresh coat of paint.  This is in addition to our replacement of old sinks and faucets and replacing them with motion sensor faucets that limit water use/waste and added air blown dryers to replace paper towel dispensers.   The results are stark.  They look fantastic (if you can say that about restrooms).  Over time, we hope to continue to update our facility to provide a more appealing and cost effective experience.

In addition, thanks to monies from Sparta Education Foundation, building resources and a generous contribution from the Student Government, we have purchased and are in the process of installing five SMART Boards to be used to enhance educational outcomes.  There will be two multi use rooms that have SMART Boards available to staff as well as three dedicated classrooms.  Minimally, on any given day over 300 of our students will have the opportunity to experience the opportunities SMART Boards can provide the learning process.  As we grow our capacities at using these tools even more effectively, the impact of these tools will grow as well. 

Many thanks to the many individuals responsible for these improvements to Sparta Middle School.