Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Welcome Back!!

It is a new school year with new opportunities.  We are facing the obvious challenge of bringing the best out of our students while being introduced to new challenges brought on by the implementation of a new master schedule. 

I realize that there have been many questions and concerns about how the changes are affecting things like Unity Games and 6th Grade Camp.  We are still planning to have these opportunities for our kids.  Due to issues with getting things scheduled and no availability at the times that we need availability, we will be moving both of these into the Spring of 2013.  Stay tuned for further information.

The students really seem to have adjusted seamlessly into the new scheduling format.  We have had students arriving on time and no issues with behavior.  We are very pleased with and proud of our students for their citizenship and diligence in these areas.  Way to go Spartans!

A newsletter will be coming out this October.  Once again we will start with a paper copy but transition into a digital version the rest of the school year.  Parents will be given the opportunity to request a paper version if a digital copy is not desired.  In order to best serve our families with communication, please be sure to keep your email address updated in PowerSchool.  We pull our email lists from this source and accuracy is obviously key.

Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to serve your children and your family.  We are looking forward to an excellent school year.

Al the best,

Joel Stoner