Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Student Led Conference Feedback

We did not have the amount of participation in our conferences this fall as has been the norm.  We were down roughly 30% from previous years.  I am very interested in trying to determine why this might have happened.  Our parent participation is a point of pride and we recognize the importance it plays in a student's success in the middle school.  If you were unable to attend conferences this fall, I would really appreciate your feedback.  Under "Surveys" on the left, you can either complete a survey online through Survey Monkey or print off the paper version, complete and turn in to the office.  We ask that we have all surveys completed by December 16.  I appreciate your time and consideration.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Addition to the Blog

I have a growing library of links that I have compiled over time about topics like education, parenting, generational characteristics, and trends, to name a few.  I have added a section on the right side of the blog under "Interesting Articles"to showcase some of these.  I do not always agree with every sentiment and word but often find the thoughts compelling and challenging.  I hope you find them compelling and insightful as well.  I always welcome your thoughts and feedback.  If you find an article that you find worthwhile to share, please send me the link.


1st Trimester Ends December 2

Our first twelve week trimester ends on December 2.  We have every expectation that report cards will come home on December 9.  These come home in report card envelopes that students are expected to have their parent/guardian sign.  Please look for them. 

We are also in the beginnings of our Toys for Tots campaign.  Our Student Government takes a great deal of pride in our contributions every year.  This is a worthy cause and does come back to benefit kids and families in our community.  I encourage you to do what you can.  I do caution you to do no more.  I am often amazed and humbled by the generosity of our families.  I am often concerned that kids try to compete or feel compelled to do what they cannot because it is socially rewarding.  The gifts that are given at this time are, and should be, from the heart.  Please encourage your student to work from that perspective and not some of the social pressures that we all often feel at this time of year.

I wish you the happiest of Thanksgiving holidays.  I am continually thankful for what I have and that includes the privilege of working for Sparta Area Schools and the families of Sparta Middle School.  Thank you for the opportunity.

Joel Stoner, Principal

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monthly Newletter

The December/January newsletter will be sent out at the end of the month.  We have not received many requests for a paper version to be sent home from our families.  This next newsletter will be our first all digital version.  If you would desire a paper copy, you can still complete and return the form that was sent home in the October newsletter.  You can also print the form from the newsletter link on the left of this page.  Please return the form to the office if you are interested.

Thank you.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Conference Attendance

We were a bit disappointed with our conference attendance this past fall.  Roughly 40% of our families did not attend this year.  We all understand how hectic and complicated life has become, especially with teen children.  I am concerned with the fact that we were unable to have face to face time with many of our parents and answer any of their questions.  What I am planning to do is reach out to these families and request their feedback on what we can do better, what led to their inability to attend and if there is a diminishing need, in their view, of holding conferences with technology making information so readily available. I still believe in the value of conferences.  I also recognize that life makes any extra commitment harder.  I truly value your input.  I strive to provide you with the best possible product, a quality education for your most important possession, your children. 

I will make the survey available here and will send you a hard copy as well.  If you did attend conferences and want to provide your input on this matter, please feel free to do so as well. I will plan to post the survey next week.

Thank you.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

MEAP Cut Score Changes

As you should have heard, the State of Michigan is recalibrating MEAP cut scores.  In essence, the test has not changed but what they consider proficient will change.  The change they made is not subtle.  We will see significant drops in scores across the state. Sparta Middle School will not be exempt from this drop.  We will know in a few months what this will mean, exactly.  You will see in the press some articles and reports that will show a comparison of previous MEAP performance under the new proficiency standard.  This will attempt to represent the outcomes if the changes had been made a few years ago.  This data, too, will likely be stark.  I am trying to communicate this information so you can be informed and prepared.  You should plan to hear more information regarding this in the coming months.  Attached here is a link to a document that also communicates some of this same information.  Please take some time to review this information.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Thank you.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Middle School Magazine Fundraiser

We hold one annual fundraiser in the middle school.  The magazine sale generates revenue that we use to provide academic acceleration programs such as ATYP and Science Olympiad.  We use these funds to provide rewards to students recognized for good behavior or successfully achieving a defined outcome. We purchase site licenses for the online math program, iXL, to assist our struggling math students.  These monies pay for the ever growing costs of transporting our students to camp and Art Prize.  We provide scholarships to students who are unable to afford things during the year.  We fund 8th Grade Unity Games and 8th Grade Recognition.  These resources pay for entrance fees into Band Festival and Solo/Ensemble and the related costs. 

As you can see, these monies are important to providing a well rounded opportunity to our student body.  We appreciate all the support our community provides to make these opportunities available.  We will have our sale in January.  In the meantime, you can renew your current magazine subscriptions or start new ones at any time.  You can access our online catalog at:


Your child can even earn credit toward prizes from your purchase!

We appreciate your support!