Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Middle School Magazine Fundraiser

We hold one annual fundraiser in the middle school.  The magazine sale generates revenue that we use to provide academic acceleration programs such as ATYP and Science Olympiad.  We use these funds to provide rewards to students recognized for good behavior or successfully achieving a defined outcome. We purchase site licenses for the online math program, iXL, to assist our struggling math students.  These monies pay for the ever growing costs of transporting our students to camp and Art Prize.  We provide scholarships to students who are unable to afford things during the year.  We fund 8th Grade Unity Games and 8th Grade Recognition.  These resources pay for entrance fees into Band Festival and Solo/Ensemble and the related costs. 

As you can see, these monies are important to providing a well rounded opportunity to our student body.  We appreciate all the support our community provides to make these opportunities available.  We will have our sale in January.  In the meantime, you can renew your current magazine subscriptions or start new ones at any time.  You can access our online catalog at:


Your child can even earn credit toward prizes from your purchase!

We appreciate your support!

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